Universal Healthcare And Death Panels – Sarah Palin Was Right

Sarah Palin was roundly criticized, laughed at, and excoriated by supporters of Obama when she said that the universal health care plan would lead to death panels. The characterization of the term ‘death panels’ was quickly associated with people wearing tin foil hats. It is ironic that a group of people who believe the twin towers were brought down by …

Urgent Care / Emergency Medicine Forecast Outlook Review

Urgent Care Review As the population ages, the need for Emergency and Urgent Care also grows.  The current physician shortage in the United States is expected to worsen over time. Other issues are affecting this shortage as well, including the shrinking economy and the impending health care reform. Primary Care Shortage leads to Urgent Care Physician shortage According to a …

Advice for Picking the Best Motorized Wheel Chair

The choices for people who are searching for mobility equipment today is endless and they want to keep there independence even if they have disabilities that keep them from moving around. With new advances in technology like the motorized wheel chair it allows people with disabilities that would normally stop them from being mobile and can make them into a …

What Is Payroll Accounting and What Are the Tools Used in Payroll Accounting?

With respect to a company Payroll can be defined as the sum total of the salaries, wages, bonuses and deductions of an employee. It is the amount of money paid to an employee for a certain work provided by him or over a period of time. In an accounting perspective, payroll and payroll taxes involves the net or total income …

Sleep Apnea Mask – How To Get A Great Night Of Sleep

People who suffer from sleep apnea may seek many different remedies to alleviate their daytime discomforts and nighttime arousal. The best cure on the market for people suffering from this sleeping disorder is CPAP machines. These machines are connected to a sleep apnea mask that the sleeper must wear during the night. In many cases, these machines and masks are …

Urgent Care / Emergency Medicine Forecast Outlook Review

Urgent Care Review As the population ages, the need for Emergency and Urgent Care also grows.  The current physician shortage in the United States is expected to worsen over time. Other issues are affecting this shortage as well, including the shrinking economy and the impending health care reform. Primary Care Shortage leads to Urgent Care Physician shortage According to a …

California Medical Equipment Supplier Found Guilty in $11 Million Medicare Fraud Case

The owner of a California durable medical equipment firm was recently found guilty of Medicare fraud.  The scheme resulted in more than $11 million dollars in fraudulent Medicare charges.  Los Angeles false claims attorneys say that Medicare fraud is a problem that is continuing to grow, at the expense of taxpayers.                                                          According to court documents, the defendant owned a fraudulent …

Boomers May Soon Overcome Top Objection to Retirement in Mexico

By: Jim Scherrer As retirees and 12 year residents of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, it’s quite easy to extol the benefits of living in Mexico. Of course, not every part of Mexico is the same (as is true in the US or Canada); however, we can certainly vouch for Puerto Vallarta.  With its beautiful climate and landscape of the Sierra Madres …